City of Antioch
Finance Department
Phone (925) 779-7059
Third and H Streets
City Hall, First Floor


General Business Information

Mailing Address same as Business Address

Open the calendar popup.

Rental Property Information

Please Note: If you have multiple single family homes that you need to register please put a one in the units field. You will need to fill out a separate application for each single family home that you are renting.

Names of Owners, Officers, Partners and Business License Renewal Contact

Owner 1

Owner 2


Is your business woman-owned? Yes No
Is your business a minority/small disadvantaged business? Yes No

Is your business veteran-owned? Yes No
If yes, are you certified via SBA.GOV Yes No

Email Notifications *

I would like to receive email notifications only I don't want to receive email notifications.

Disability Access

On October 11, 2017 Governor Brown signed into law AB-1379 which adds a state fee of $4 on any applicant for a local business license or similar instrument or permit, or renewal thereof starting on January 1, 2018 (CASP State Fee). The purpose is to increase certified access specialist (CASP) training and certification within the local jurisdictions and to facilitate compliance with construction-related accessibility requirements.

Under federal and state law, compliance with disability access laws is a serious and significant responsibility that applies to all California building owners and tenants with buildings open to the public. You may obtain information about your legal obligations and how to comply with disability access laws at the following agencies:
The Division of the State Architect at
The Department of Rehabilitation at
The California Commission on Disability Access at

Disability Access Requirements and Resources as required by the State of California can be found at


By submitting this application, I , declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the above application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I will operate my business in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. I further understand that any false statements made above are grounds for denial or revocation of the business license.

ANNUAL LICENSE ORDINANCE: All business licenses shall be issued for one year from the date of issuance and must be renewed annually. It is the responsibility of the business owner to renew the business license upon expiration regardless of whether the notice of expiration was received. (Ord. 2082-C-S, passed 3-25-14)

Executed the .

Please sign your name below, using the mouse or your touch screen enabled device. To use mouse, left click and hold while dragging the mouse over the signature line.